Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Passing notes

Dear New York City apartment owners,
Please don't label your Craigslist ad has "has photos" if the only photo you include is of a lighting fixture. Thanks.

Dear Rachel Ann,
Don't change your resume to get an admin position. It will just mean you gave up on your dreams.

Dear really classy apartment listing in Chelsea,
Please don't be too good to be true. You look too good to be true.

Dear company that owns the buildings on the next block over,
Please shovel the sidewalks when it snows. Seriously.

Dear Uggs,
You are ugly as homemade sin. Thanks for keeping my feet warm.

Dear flip-flops,
I miss you. I promise we'll be together again soon.

Dear prospective NYC employers,
Please give me a job. Thanks.


  1. Love this post! Especially about the Uggs! Your too funny!

  2. so laughing right now...especially about the UGGS.

    Mine would say:

    Dear Amy
    Please eat me. I have been sitting on your desk since monday and i have seen you eat a ton of other food...why not me?
    Granny Smith Apple

  3. Ahh the days of wearing flip flops... I miss them too!

  4. I love this post, especially the Uggs bit-funny. I might do something like that, it gives you somethings to think about, and it's like an evaluation list. Very smart.

  5. I hate the ads with the photos that don't even apply to the listing. That is just mean!

  6. Congrats Mrs. Rachel Ann! You won the toasty toes giveaway! Please email your shipping info so I can have them sent out!



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