Monday, February 9, 2009

Well, I keep disappearing for days at a time, don't I?

The thing is that my days have found a new rhythm that unfortunately leaves little room for writing here. You see, I'm too busy writing cover letters and searching for jobs and apartments.

I was in quite the Funk (yes, with a capital F) all weekend long. You know on last week's episode of The Office when Andy says he is battling crippling despair and depression and he's going to win? Well, it wasn't quite that extreme, but by last night I decided that I was going to win.

The first major boost I had was talking to my Daddy on Saturday. He's one of the smartest people I know and I love that he tells it like it is. Case in point? Sometimes you just need to get a job and learn from it even if it's not exactly what you want to do.

Second boost? Yesterday at church there was a guest speaker--Justin Masterson of the Red Sox. His scripture choice? Jeremiah 29. I'm sure you've seen this verse cross-stitched about a million times on various things. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Well, can we talk about how much I love that second part? A hope and a future. That's really all I want these days. To feel like it's going to all work out.

Nathan wisely pointed out that being married and having each other is certainly being given a hope and a future. We'll call this boost 2.5.

Boost number three came in the form of a podcast I had sent to me by a friend. You can check it out here. It is about 45 minutes long and she speaks from the point of view of a business person, specifically in the venture capital field, but I think the lessons are great for everyone. She said something that my father often talks about (see boost number one) which is that your career lies at the intersection of your skills, your passions and the market. He puts it in terms of your skills, passions and the world's need, but the idea is much the same.

It was so great to have all of these things laid out on the table at one time for me to look at. I certainly felt a renewed vigor today in my job hunt. I hope that all of you who are also looking can take a cue from Andy and resolve to win this battle and know that your hope and future is out there.


  1. Loved your post! I especially like what your dad says!

  2. woohoo! i boosted!

    boost #4--i have this snappy-looking blog to relieve boredom at a job that i don't love but still can get something out of!

  3. It was especially nice to read your post tonight - it is so optimistic! It is so hard to see things as glass half full right now but you are definitely doing a great job and trying to see through the muck. The way you write about your fella sounds so wonderful. He sounds so supportive!

  4. Great boosts! Your dad is a wise man... that was advice I needed too. :)

  5. Thanks for the advice.

    I love boosts.

    I always read my 4 favorite bible passages in the morning at work and throughout the helps me get by.

    "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me."

    Wow, pretty powerful stuff.

    Hope you are having a great day!

  6. The restaurant is modeled after Barley's - one of the same owners - but is named for the historic building it is in. Should have known you might be able to guess it :)



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