Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sorry for all of unexpected long absences. The truth of the matter is that there is just too, too, too much to do in such a short time. I will probably not be around very much for the next 6 weeks or so. I am still reading everything y'all are writing, but I'm sadly not commenting too much or writing much of my own.

We've had a whirlwind two weeks and we have at least 5 more weeks of whirlwind to come. We have houseguests March 3-15. No, I'm not even kidding. Yes, I am tired already. Thanks for asking.

I'm heading down to NC this weekend and I'm so excited to see Roommate BFF get married and hang out with the people who get me the most and catch up with all my sorority sisters at alum brunch and to drink tea with my Mama and sit around and talk to my Daddy. North Carolina, for me, is soul refreshing. I'm looking forward to it.

We did find a place we really liked in New York and we're waiting to hear back about whether or not we've gotten it. To quote Michael Scott, I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious. I don't want to talk too much about it until we know it's ours. Here's a hint: it is in the same neighborhood in New York where Miranda and Steve lived on Sex and the City. Can anyone guess the nabe? No prizes or anything--just fun.

I caught up with an old friend in New York last week and it was wonderful. We missed three years out of each other's lives, but we dropped back into our friendship pretty quickly. I'm glad I'll be living near her again. We also may or may not have consumed three Crumbs cupcakes between the two of us. No, we did not eat dinner that night. Yes, it was amazing.

So that's the story, Morning Glory. I'm sparse for good reasons and I apologize, but hopefully more exciting adventures will be coming your way soon courtesy of the soon-to-be BFFs in Brooklyn.



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