Friday, May 2, 2008

100 Things...

Things I Love:
1. Compelling historical narratives
2. Being creative
3. Sewing
4. Vegetarianism
5. Christianity
6. Southern American history
7. The stories people tell
8. Creative non-fiction
9. Knitting
10. Hugs
11. Children
12. Mint
13. Elephants
14. Monkeys
15. Polka dots
16. Toile
17. My pearls
18. Vera Bradley
19. Lilly Pulitzer
20. Grocery store dates on Friday nights
21. Slip on shoes
22. Need A Margarita scrub from Bath and Body Works
23. Mountains
24. Alpha Xi Delta
25. Making up songs about Nathan, for Nathan
26. Berries
27. Smoothies
28. Blurb Books
29. Jogging
Television Shows I Love:
30. Friends
31. The Hills
32. The Office
Books I Love:
33. The Bible
34. Their Eyes Were Watching God
35. Pride and Prejudice
36. Sense and Sensibility
37. Stitch 'n Bitch
38. A Southern Belle's Primer, or Why Princess Margaret Will Never Be a Kappa Kappa Gamma
A Few of My Favorite Quotes:
39. Teach us to make the most of our time so that we may grow in wisdom. Psalm 90
40. Go after a life of love as if your life depended upon it, because it does. 1 Corinthians 14:1
41. Unity in essentials, freedom in non-essentials, love in all things. John Wesley
42. Each of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, "How can I help?" Romans 15:2
Favorite bits and pieces of songs:
43. I ain't got no Visa/I ain't got no Red American Express/ We can't nowhere exotic/ It don't matter cause I'm the one that loves you best
44. Baby, my heart is full of love and desire for you, now come on down and do what you gotta do. You started this fire down in my soul. Now can't you see it's burning out of control? Come on satisfy the need in me...cause only your good loving can set me free.
45. I feel home when I see the faces that remember my own. I feel home when I'm chilling outside with the people I know. I feel home and that's just what I feel. Home to me to is reality and all I need is something real.
46. Now I'm not trying to be rude, but hey, pretty girl I'm feeling you. The way you do the things you do reminds me of my Lexus Coupe.
47. But I do know one thing--where you are is where I belong, where you go is where I want to be.
48. Sugar magnolia, ringing that bluebell, caught up in the sunlight, come on out singing...
49. If time were only part of the equation then you could draw the boundaries of our cage. You wouldn't pile another stone upon me and I'd be happy just to watch you age.
50. Sweet, sweet baby, life is crazy, but there's one thing I am sure of. I'm your lady, always baby and I love you now and ever.
A list of things that have really and truly happened to me:
51. I married my BFF on January 1, 2008.
52. I used to do theatre and was actually only 3 classes away from having a theatre major.
53. Theatre people now bother me--a lot.
54. I quit theatre because I was a part of an uncreative, stagnated department.
55. I find it sort of hard to get to be friends with people, but when I decide to really, really like you we are friends for life.
56. The Best Maid in my wedding has been my best friend since we were in the 6th grade.
57. We met in acting class.
58. In Bulgaria, I caught an international bus to Greece on the side of the road by a tree.
59. I stayed up all night in Rome. Nathan and I drank 1 Euro cappuccinos in McDonald's after we got locked out of the bus station.
60. My favorite sandwich is brie, lettuce, tomato, dijon mustard, salt and pepper on a baguette.
61. This sandwich is especially good eaten with grapes and homemade cookies.
62. One year at the State Fair, I correctly guessed the number of pickles in the giant Mt. Olive Pickle jar and won free pickles for a year. My father claims the contest was rigged.
63. I'm an alum of UNC Asheville and received my acceptance letter there on my 18th birthday.
64. I was crazy busy in college. Crazy. Busy.
65. In college, I fell in love with event planning and am now desperately trying to get a job in the event industry in Boston.
66. It's really, really hard to get jobs.
67. More times than I can count I have woken up at the crack of dawn, driven to the beach, spent the day at the beach and driven home all in one day.
68. My former roommate and I would get lost every time we drove to South Carolina to go to JCrew.
69. We also got lost in Georgia on our way to the JCrew outlet.
70. I can't read maps.
71. I try to be at least marginally aware of the social and ethical implications of my purchases and stopped shopping at JCrew last year when I learned they had one of the worst human rights violations of any apparel company.
72. I really hope they shape up so I can buy their cute clothes again.
73. I found my wedding dress at (before I found out about their actions) for $99.
74. I am training for a 7K. This is nothing to a lot of people, but I've never been a runner and so it is a big, huge deal for me.
75. A lot of times in Bulgaria, I will eat a tomato and a scoop of ice cream for dinner.
76. I was vegan once for a month. It ended with a block of cheddar cheese one night.
77. I went to Governor's School West in 2003 and it changed my life.
78. I make up songs about my husband all the time and sing them to him.
79. It has always been my dream to move to a city after graduation.
80. I went through two semesters of recruitment before I joined Alpha Xi Delta.
81. I used to journal compulsively. I like to read my journals when I am supposed to be cleaning.
82. I used to do a lot of things compulsively. I had/have OCD.
83. I met Nathan in high school Chemistry.
84. I couldn't stand him.
85. He thought I was annoying because I made up songs about Chemistry and would sing them.
86. I thought he was annoying because he would always ask what I made on quizzes and then he'd always tell me that he had a higher score.
87. On one of our first dates, we played tennis together. He almost broke up with me because he didn't want to date anyone as competitive as me.
88. We almost broke up once over a game of Scrabble.
89. Nathan invented a new Scrabbly game called "Scrabble Poker" so that we can play Scrabble without the risk of further squabbles.
90. For some reason, Nathan always insists that we play word games, but he always loses. He simply can't top my vocabulary--I took Latin for four years.
91. I went on a field trip to New York City with my Latin teacher. He showed us where he trained when he was a boxer and where the girl he took to prom lived.
92. He also wore a coat that he bought in Communist Czechoslovakia the entire trip.
93. He was a really strange guy, but one of my favorite teachers. He had a really bawdy sense of humor, but tried to give me detention over a sweatshirt I designed for the Drama Club that said "Thespians do it on stage."
94. I've had the same car since I was 15 until the present. I call it Big Taur.
95. I developed a specific hand motion that everyone must do when they say Big Taur. So far, everyone in my life has complied.
96. Nathan and I often give shout-outs to restaurants or television commercials. We say "Shout out ______!" This gets us a lot of strange looks.
97. When I was in high school, I watched a documentary about how designers took photos of teenagers not dressed like everyone else and then marketed their look as the next big thing. My two BFFs and I always made shirts with iron-on letters. A few months into senior year, American Eagle started selling iron-on letters with t-shirts so you could personalize your look. I firmly believe someone took pictures of us and we started a trend.
98. I broke my big toe by having a speaker dropped on it by a fellow cast member.
99. One of the funniest moments of my life was when BFF's mom said "This road is freaking me out!"
100. Since getting married, a third of the money we've spent has been on plane tickets.

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