Monday, August 18, 2008

Scenes from the life of newlyweds...

Yesterday after church, Nathan and I visited Boston Common to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Trail. His Majesty George III's troops were camped out on the Common. They looked hot--bear skin hats and wool uniforms do not bode well in the August heat. My favorite sight? 6 British officers sitting at a picnic table eating funnel cakes.

For the past few nights, Nathan and I have entertained ourselves by playing board games. Truly, this is what happens when you don't have television.

Nathan is hanging up our new picture frames right now. We still don't have a hammer, so his tools of choice? A soup ladle and a rock.


  1. wow...this makes me fondly remember how i realized i was really a "grown-up" the year Santa brought me tools!

    loving your life!


  2. What board games do you all like to play? My husband and I like to play Monopoly.

  3. Dad & I used to play a lot of board games when we were newlyweds too!

  4. We love to play Boggle!! PS We haven't had TV in a month. Up here in the "snow belt" we don't get any kind of tv reception, so there is literally nothing but Netflix, work, badminton and Boggle!!!



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