Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So here's a question...

Since Nathan started working a few weeks ago, my entire morning routine has changed. Now two of us have to shower, I have two lunches to pack and I have to devote some time to just get Nathan to wake up. Seriously--our biorhythms are so different and he finds it really hard to wake up before 9 am, while I find it really hard to be awake after 10 pm.

Anyway, here's the thing: I used to work out in the mornings before work, but it's no longer working.

So when do you work out? Have any tips for me? I usually don't want to work out in the evening because I have to urba-lates it up for 45 minutes to get home and then I cook supper and spend a little time with Nathan. (We usually play Carcassone, by the way).

So....give me your tips, suggestions, experiences. I'm listening!


  1. I have this problem too! My husband and I are exactly the same...and my mornings are busy now. I'm trying to get up earlier to work out/and/or taking a walk with the dog and husband after work! It's hard fitting it all in a day!

  2. I was going to say, get a dog, but that's an enormous commitment. I think you just need to get up earlier, make lunch the night before, or make meals that can have leftovers that serve as lunch the next day. That way you can cut out lunch making in the morning.



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