Monday, November 17, 2008

This weekend I did something I rarely do: I rebelled against my list. Will I be regretting this later? Probably. I have a busy week ahead and didn't put together packages, bake bread or cookies or fold laundry.

Can we level about how miserable folding laundry is? If I don't fold it while pulling it out of the dryer it becomes an insurmountable task in my mind. Good gracious.

Here's what I did do this weekend:
Christmas shopped!
Addressed our Christmas cards.
Napped extensively.

This week is going to be go, go, go and I couldn't be more excited. Today and tomorrow I have set aside to do all the things I neglected to do this weekend. Wednesday I'm going craft supply shopping for the many swaps I have coming up. Thursday is Baby Girl's 6th birthday. Friday we have tickets (3rd row!) to see Spamalot! downtown and then Saturday will be filled with Baby Girl's birthday party, more Christmas shopping with Sis-in-Law and some baby-sitting that evening.

In an unrelated note, does anyone know anything about dreams? I keep dreaming of green beans. Yes, you read that correctly. Green beans. Specifically, I keep dreaming of eating green beans that have been mixed with stuffing (a food that I absolute loathe). Anyone have any interpretations on what this means? For the past three nights, everywhere I go in my dreams, there is a bowl of green beans there. Is this a sign of my future? Should I become a green bean farmer and enter into the world of agri-tourism ala Schrute Farms? Let me know.


  1. I hate folding laundry. HATE IT.

    It is just not my thing...but I hate how Mr. Newlywed folds it even more, so I am left with no choice.

  2. It sounds like you had a great weekend! Sometimes it is nice to not follow the plan.

    Congratulations to you on getting a head start on Christmas shopping and getting your holiday cards addressed.

    Enjoy your week!

  3. Ditto on the laundry, sorry I can't be of any green bean help, though!

  4. Folding laundry is the worst! When I was my birthday though, my kids and hubby did all the laundry, dishes, and bought me a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings from which was really sweet.

    The green bean dream is a tough one, though anything that has to do with vegetables or green is a good thing I think!

  5. "I HATE LAUNDRY!!!!!" Is exactly what my hubby hears everytime it has to be done. It's doens't help that I wait to wash until we have no clean underware, so the loads are HUGE!

    Oh, and the only times I had strange dreams about things like food, it was when I was preggo.

  6. I hate folding laundry too! If I don't do it right out of the dryer then I don't do it! And not sure about the green beans!!

  7. Folding laundry is a drag, but don't you feel better once it's done?
    I don't know about the green beans, I used to have the same dream about all my teeth falling out.



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