Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I want to send a huge thank you to Kristen, my ClemsonGirl's Holiday Swap partner, for a fabulous package she put together. Her pictures are better than mine, so I'll let you look at it here:

Preppy Holiday Swap

I was completely blown away by her package. It was incredible, y'all! I have two colors of ribbon that say Happy Holidays from Rachel Ann on them. Amazing!

Last night I was reading this month's Better Homes and Gardens and they had an article about really practical gift baskets that are easy to put together. One basket is for the person who loves to wrap. How cute would some of Kristen's customized ribbon be in such a basket? You can see and buy her wares at her etsy shop, Taylor Made Designs.

Thank you, thank you, Kristen!


  1. you are so welcomed! It was lots of fun putting stuff together for you. thank you so much for your package too. Everything was delightful. I'll be posting about your stuff tomorrow. (need to take photos!)
    Thanks again and for directing people to my etsy site :)

  2. I'm so jealous! My partner never contacted me when I asked for her address sooooo :( - Looks like you got some darling things! Hope you're having a great Tuesday!

  3. I love the ribbon and the tags she sent you.
    I bookmarked Taylor Made and will be ordering some stuff soon. Glad you got a great partner.
    Southern Belle, that's so sad that your partner didn't contact you! I can't believe it.



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