Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's been a crazy year, y'all. Let's look back, shall we?

2008 started pretty early in the morning for me. I had trouble going to sleep on New Year's Eve. We had a party and then I just couldn't go to sleep. Our house was filled with girls in the wedding party and I had about a million thoughts running through my head. Not only did I have my wedding the next day, but we also were about to leave for Bulgaria and we didn't have our visas yet. I had a crazy two weeks coming up.

We started off New Year's Day with pancakes that my Daddy made for the girls and me. Then, we all hustled to start getting ready for the wedding. We needed to be at the church at noon and there was a lot to do!

The rest of the day flew by. Our wedding was gorgeous, our reception was loads of fun and we might have stayed all night if it had not have started snowing around 7:00. My mother kicked us out of our reception so that our guests would feel free to leave.

I cried a little bit during the ceremony, but then held it together until I had to say goodbye to the Princess before walking out of the reception. My mother broke that up too because I was a bit heartbroken at not being able to see her until her wedding in June.

We finally made it out, I smiled for the cameras and we drove off and forgot all of our stuff. We had to secretly drive back to the reception and have a bridesmaid bring our luggage to us.

The rest of January is sort of a blur now too. We went to San Diego for 10 days, eventually received our visas, ate a lot of Moe's queso (leftover from our rehearsal dinner) and flew to Bulgaria on January 13th. I freaked out a lot in Heathrow and Nathan got sick almost instantly upon arriving in Bulgaria.

In February, I was really hungry and was accepted to graduate school in Boston. At the end of February, we flew to France.

March began with 10 days in France. I loved, loved, loved France, y'all. I can't wait to get back. We also spent a very long night wide awake in Rome. In Greece, someone asked me if English was my first language. I had a Red Letter Day when I got accepted to another grad school, received a tax return and my brother secured our apartment for us all in one day! I went on a day trip to Melnik a famous Bulgarian winery and ate lots of mish mash. We went to Istanbul for the weekend and saw a lot of machine guns and ate a fish sandwich that left me without an appetite for a week. My parents came to visit and we explored Phillipi and Kavala with them. March was a busy month. I'm tired just reliving it.

April was decidedly calmer. Early in the month, Nathan had a most unpleasant wake up. Every time I tell this story, I start laughing uncontrollably. I started reflecting on the future. A shiny, new, German grocery store opned up next to us and I was a lot less hungry. I really missed everyone back home, so I posted a lot of wedding photos. I wrote a travelogue for The Blue Banner. At the end of April, we celebrated Easter Eastern Orthodox style.

May was a great month! We said goodbye to Bulgaria and we flew home. One of the Absolute BFFs got married and we had a blast at her wedding! We packed and packed and packed some more.

June 1st we moved into our apartment in Boston. Oh, and I got a job! Also, our best couple friends got married. It was beautiful!

In July, we celebrated Independence Day downtown and took some, um, crazy pictures of ourselves. The big news of July was that Nathan got a job!

In August, we went to the Cape. My Sorority Little Sister came for a visit. I tried out a knitting group that wasn't for me.

In September, I coined a word--Bostontacious and Yankee BFF came to visit.

In October, we went apple picking, A and C came to visit, and we went to the Head of the Charles regatta.

In November, we voted with few choices, I turned 23, Baby Girl turned 6, and I made fondue in a pumpkin and after Thanksgiving we decorated for Christmas.

We closed out 2008 in December with soul searching, ranting, and lots of snow and bagels.

I'm so glad that I have a written record of this year. It was quite a doozy--lots of traveling, learning how to be married, moving to a new city, getting our first jobs. Here's to a more settled, less crazy, but still fun 2009!


  1. I didn't know about your other blog, and I just spent over an hour reading! (and I'm not through, but had to move on) So far I'm into your trip to France. We traveled to many of the same locations on a two week stay in Provence. I so wish for another European vaca. Anyway, no Boston for New Years for us last night. Hope you both have a Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary!!

  2. Dad & I were just reflecting on what we were doing a year ago today. Thanks for recording that I broke up the party. I had already forgotten about that. Maybe when we get everyone together for your 25th anniversary party I won't have to be concerned about the weather. Happy anniversary! I love you!

  3. Congratulations on a memorable and fabulous year. and happy anniversary! xo



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