Friday, December 5, 2008

This weekend I am hitting up the post office. I'm mailing Christmas cards, a gift and all of my recipe swap cards.

This week has been insane. I haven't cooked at home one night this week, but we haven't been going out to eat either. That's right--we've been eating toast and salad.

I'm hoping to do a little cooking and a bit of baking this weekend. We're trying to spend next to nothing on food this month. We're frustrated by the fact that people whose families are much larger than 2 people spend more money on food than we do. It's been great so far. We actually have some food in the pantry that we've been eating.

Still, I'm sure we'll find ourselves at Bagel Rising tomorrow morning for our Saturday morning bagels. This place is amazing! We both get bagels, Nathan gets OJ and I get chai for less than $10. Seriously! Love it. It's also a certified eco-friendly restaurant which we think is stellar.

Our other big plans include hitting Bazaar Bizarre after church on Sunday. It's like real-life Etsy. I'm so pumped!

Oh, and you here's a fun deal for you. Today the Daily Deal at Calista Cove is L.Erickson bow headband. L.Erickson headbands are the best headbands I've ever worn. Absolute BFF was skeptical of its comfort, so wore it for a day when she came to Boston. She agrees with me--you could nap in this headband. They're wonderful. Anyway, today only they are $22 a piece, so snatch one up if you can!

While you're there, you could enter the card contest going on. If your card receives the most votes, you win a $100 gift card to the boutique. Wow!

Anyway, my dears, I'm off to a have a wonderful day. How will I know it will be wonderful? Well, I woke up when I supposed to leave for work. I didn't have time to do my hair so it is fuzzy-looking and pulled back with a bobby pin. In my haste to leave, I forgot my gym bag. I was hit on this morning in the lobby of my building. When he found out I was married, he kept saying "You is married? You is married?" You see, there is nowhere to go but up. Have a great weekend!


  1. OH my gosh this is hilarious. You really have a great attitude. we are trying to keep the food thing in check too, It is amazing what you can make if you resort to using what is in your pantry. I would love to talk to you more about my job. Feel free to email me. I made a career switch in my twenties so i am all ears and happy to offer my very unglamorous experience. xo



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