Monday, January 12, 2009

2 completely unrelated thoughts:

1. Y'all, I ate berries today and they were amazing. I haven't been buying berries because, you know, it's winter in Massachusetts and we aren't growing berries. Our salad at lunch today, however, came with a multitude of strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. I was in fresh berry heaven. Granted, I know deep down inside that these berries took about eight hundred millions of pesticides and gas to get to me, but they were so, so, so good. So yummy. Dreamily yummy. In fact, I think I'll dream of them tonight. I only have dreams to carry me through to the summer when berries abound.

2. You know how some people have word verifications attached to their comments? I have sort of convinced myself that these are real words that I'm simply not smart enough to know. Crazy? Yes. Still, it could be true, right?


  1. Occasionally the words are real or just misspelled. I like to make up definitions for the words ;)

  2. well, I think google actually does use real words. When you see side by side words, they are typically:

    a) one word they know
    b) one word is from an old book they can't digitally read.

    So, over time, we all help them transcribe old texts!



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