Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The air is clearing. Slowly, but surely, our little insides are healing and tasks seem manageable.

We have no fresh food in the house right now except for 3 lonely apples.

Everything was eaten or frozen before we went to NC. Then we were ill and no one felt like eating or grocery shopping.

I've been eating salads and fruit at work and hoping for the best. Still, it's time to buy some groceries and stop eating loads of tomato sauce and frozen veggies.

I feel like I am very much in a state of flux right now. Everything is changing, but not in a fast, swirling way, but in a slow, rhythmic, tidal way. It feels right.

I am going to my first ever spin class on Thursday night with this lady. I'm nervous and excited. Spinning seems like something that exceptionally fit people do.

I'm also into full-on beginning of the year nesting. I love cleaning (and dreaming of new interiors) in January.

Oh, and I have a request for y'all. Many of live live in or around NYC or visit often. What are your favorite stores, bakeries, coffee shops? I'm doing a little planning for a few months from now.


  1. "This Lady" has only one thing to say... the Rice to Riches rice pudding shop. mmm.

    though, I will also say, most of the bakeries suck in NYC - like, magnolia and buttercup and all that. But, Crumbs makes a killer cupcake. KILLER.

  2. I LOVE SPinning you will be addicted as soon as you try it. trust me .. will be there at cock shout tomorrow morning xo

  3. SPINNING! HOORAY! Oh, you're going to LOVE.IT. It's fantastic. It makes you feel superhuman. In fact, it may actually make you superhuman. Just like I'm going to be next Tuesday, post-recovery. (This is my attitude--I'm going to come out of my surgery with superhuman health. Like, X-Men quality.)

    I hope your instructor has a good soundtrack, but most of them do, so no worries. Have fun! Enjoy the glorious soreness that you feel the next day!

    the Princess

  4. I have to disagree with Lilac in that Magnolia cupcakes are good. At least they were the one time I went there. I do agree that Buttercup wasn't that great. The frosting was all crusty and dried out, like it had a shell. Weird.
    Crumbs is good, we've had those a few times. I'll email you some NYC suggestions,we go pretty often and stay at the same apt every time. Just for starters though, Balthazar (http://www.balthazarny.com) is an awesome restaurant, the MOMA store is right across the street, as is Sur la Table, and I don't think Kate Spade is too far away. You might want to check out Clinton Street Baking
    http://www.clintonstreetbaking.com I haven't eaten here, but showed up 10 min after they opened for brunch and there was already a 2 hour wait. It smelled amazing and the biscuits and muffins looked divine. I'm definitely going the next time we're in NY.
    Have fun at spinning!



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