Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let me tell you something, I am designed to be married.

Nathan has been gone this week (he comes back tonight--no way am I telling the internet in advance of my husband being out of town!) and my whole life has been sort of upside down.

I was really, really nervous before he left. I don't do well with sleeping alone. In college, if my roommate was not there, I would sleep on the couch in the living room. I'm not sure why. It's not like we shared a room.

Anyway, I was dreading Nathan leaving. I had visions of sleeping on the couch with Miss Marple and subsisting on 3 fitful hours of sleep a night.

Well, y'all, I am proud of myself. Yes, I did cry when he left at 7 am Sunday morning, but that probably had a lot to do with the death-flu that we were experiencing. Not much seems doable when you are dehydrated and haven't eaten in 3 days.

Still, I persevered. No, I haven't been very productive this week. I have watched half a season of The Tudors and eaten a good amount of cucumber and salmon in the form of sushi. But, I also went to the gym, got 8 hours of sleep and slept in a bed! Without a cat! Aren't you proud?

Anyway, he comes home tonight and I couldn't be more excited. I'm going to go dancing at Cardio Groove with two lovely ladies from my office and then I might even eat some falafel. You know, so I'll be sweaty and have gross breath by the time my husband comes home. I plan well.

Tonight has been a fabulous day so far. I'm wearing a new dress I picked up at Banana Republic last week for $10. The sun is finally shining again. I'm going to Cardio Groove tonight (can't get over how excited I am!) and my husband comes home.

I think all my teenage dreams are coming true. You see, I always dreamed of being the kind of girl who went to fitness classes with friends. How much of a dork am I? Anyway, I was never that girl until tonight! Oh yes, friends, I am becoming the person I always wanted to be! I'm so excited!

It's nice to be achieving some goals. I was emailing a friend about this the other day. I have the big thing in my life accomplished. The really big thing that I was meant to do is be married to Nathan. Now, I'm working on the medium things. Trying to be healthy. Trying to figure out career moves. Still, the big thing is accomplished.

Getting married is not everyone's one big thing, but I think it is mine. It's such a strange thing to say in a time when such ideas are characterized as not feminist, but for me it is true. I'm still discerning the rest of my stuff in life, but I feel pretty certain I've gotten the word from above on being married to Nathan.


  1. Glad you made it! I cry when Mr. Guru leaves as well. Hope you have fun tonight! Thanks for being such a great blog friend!

  2. Cardio Groove? Sounds like fun

  3. I want to see a picture of your dress and your shoes!! Love Ya Yankee BFF



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