Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I was so graciously given this award by Mrs. Guru. She is just so sweet!

Laura also tagged me to do a fun little book post, but I'm currently at work and have no books near me! I'll try and remember to do this when I get home.

So the big news in my life is that Alicia and I got all kinds of lost last night--in a car with no locks. Oh man. We wound up in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot (side note: why oh why do people in Boston say D&D when the name of the restaurant is NOT Dunkin AND Donuts?) where Alicia could check the map and I could keep a look out for danger.

We eventually wound up at a really sketchy industrial warehouse under the Tobin Bridge aka a pretty likely place to run into the mob. Be still my heart. We got out of there fast. It was so frustrating to see the bridge, know we needed to be on the bridge and then not be able to get on the bridge. Still, we kept our cool. We're chill girls, you know? Also, it was only 8:00 a night. Super sketchy things normally happen later, right?

Well, anyway, we finally came upon that glorious view of the city and rejoiced. To celebrate, we drive through Beacon Hill and tried to peek in people's windows. Yes, we are creepy like that. Yes, you too would spy into the houses in Beacon Hill. They are that amazing.

So that's the news from these parts. We did not Die & Die at the Dunkin & Donuts.


  1. i came across ur blog today, and i have to let you know--i can't stop reading! ur so witty and insightful, and u have such a good balance of topics--from Boston life to married life to family life, to ur faith to ur fashion sense, to fitness to recipes to to commentary about the world at large (did I understand right that u went to Bulgaria?!) to just plain humour! ur so well-rounded as a blogger. it's nice to see a housewife blog that isn't just a housewife blog, u know? ur blog paints a picture of a whole person who is not just a wife, but a friend and a daughter and a human being trying to make sense of and laugh at this crazy time of her life. thanx for the recipes, the insight, and especially the laughs!

  2. and, for the record... it's DRUNKIN' Donuts.

  3. At least you girls had fun! I want to see these houses!

  4. Housewives don't get stuck underneath the Tobin bridge after sunset. That's probably because they have brains. Ooops.

    Three cheers for future cake decorating adventures!



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