Monday, September 15, 2008


Here we go--my 99th post. Don't forget to stop by the one before this and leave a comment for my fun giveaway! I started putting together a few things for the package this weekend--I'm so excited!

Here's how my weekend shaped up:

Friday was so low-key that it wasn't even funny. Nathan and I finally finished watching The OC and I'm glad we did. I <3 stupid television and this is why we don't have a tv. Seriously. I'm smart enough to watch The OC and The Hills, but I'm not smart enough to withstand having a tv around to indulge in Bravo whenever I choose.

Saturday involved lots of cleaning and reading In Style from my fabulous swap partner, EB. You can read her post about what I sent her AND what she sent me. She doesn't mention that she also sent me a pumpkin-shaped cookie, a candy-corn shaped lollipop, some pumpkin-shaped Peeps, a Jodi Piccoult book AND, most exciting, our first fall decoration! It's a cute little glittery ghost that says Eeek! I can't wait to hang him up.

Now, back to Saturday's cleaning. I did something that some of y'all may flip out about, but on Saturday I begged Nathan to stop helping me clean. See, he's great and helpful and all, but I'm sort of crazy and, um, particular. He made me so anxious cleaning things "wrong" that I just couldn't stand it. You know how hard it is to tell someone you appreciate them helping, but would really prefer that they stop helping? Anyway, we struck a deal: he can sweep, wash dishes and make less messes and I'll handle everything else.

Yesterday was rainy and sleepy. I'm reading Moses, Man of the Mountain by Zora Neale Hurston right now and it's fabulous. She is hands-down one of my favorite authors and I've loved this story so far. She takes the Biblical story of Moses as a jumping-off point, but weaves in Moses folk lore from different cultures, including the slave culture of 19th century America. good!

I'm sorry that I forgot to take pictures of Nathan in the sweater this weekend, but I promise that they are coming! He wore it Saturday night baby-sitting and Sunday night double-dating. Highlights of these two experiences?
Saturday: We put the Baby Girls down for bed and Baby Girl #2 starts calling for Nathan. He was in the kitchen so I go to her room and ask her what's up. She says she needs to go pee-pee. I, of course, say "Well, let's go." Her reply? "I want Nathan to go with me." I told her Nathan was in the kitchen, but no one but Nathan would do. He had to take her. Also, she weaseled him into laying in bed and reading with her too. So cute!
Sunday: After used book and movie browsing for forevah, I bought a new planner and I love it. It is a perfect layout, a nice size AND it is Bostontacious. It has maps of Boston in the back and a review of a different T-accessible local joint every week. I'm super jazzed about it and I was really geeky and transferred everything over to it last night while watching a Woody Allen movie with Nathan.

Also in the bookstore last night, I perused a number of self-help books. What's the matter? I really need to figure out what to do with my life. While I was still in college I visited the career center and took literally hours worth of tests. What did I find out? The following:
a. I'd be happy doing any number of things.
b. I have trouble narrowing my focus to one interest.
c. I feel stressed and anxious when I don't have a definite life plan and narrowed career focus.
d. My entrepreneurial levels were off the charts. Literally.
e. I don't like to take a lot of risks.

So how is this shaping up in my real life?
I would love to own a business, but I'm having the time of my life narrowing my focus. Also, I'm not really comfortable putting our finances in jeapordy. I'm not exactly unhappy at my job, but I'm certainly not as happy as I could be. Advice?

So that's that. Comment on the post beneath this for a chance to win an exciting package and I hope you all have a fabulous week!


  1. Your husband sounds like such a great guy. I would love for my husband to help out more around the house. Neither of us really likes to clean.

    I totally understand your hesitation to start your own business. I would be really nervous about it to. Good luck making your decision!

    I hope you have a nice week!

  2. hey girl send me your email address or leave it on a post!! Thanks for playing and don't forget to pay it forward!!

  3. Baba just continue to be Bostontacious and it will all come together!



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