Monday, September 22, 2008

Bostontacious Weekend

Whoa--I am exhausted from this weekend. Yankee BFF kicked off "House Guest Season 2K8" by coming over this weekend. Speaking of House Guest Season 2K8 (HGS2K8), we have A LOT of people coming to see us in the coming weeks. We've got Nathan's aunt and uncle this weekend, AA and C in a few weeks, Nathan's parents and Grandmother the SAME WEEKEND as AA and C, the Absolute BFFs at the end of October/beginning of November (hopefully!) and then my parents for Thanksgiving and Matt at the beginning of December (hopefully!). Whew--do you feel tired? I feel tired just thinking about HGS2K8. Apparently though this is the only one we get. We've been warned that people come to visit the first year, but sharply decline the second year. Apparently that means there will be no HGS2K9.

Anyway, if it's in Boston, we hit it this weekend. Seriously--Davis, Harvard, all of Newbury Street and the downtown sites all in one day followed by Government Center, Boston Harbor and the North End the next. Suffice to say, my feet are tired!

Here are the fun things I picked up whilst shopping this weekend:
Oh yes, I bought Pumpkin Spice scented cleaning products. They smell divine. Don't you think HGS2K8 justifies such a purchase? I mean, did you hear how many people are coming to visit? Ladies, they also have cleaning products in a fun Christmas-y scent. I'm pumped and ready to pick those up around Thanksgiving.

As a side note, I tried to buy some pumpkin scented hand sanitizer (seriously--ride the T everywhere and you too will sanitize compulsively) but Bath and Body Works didn't have any. What's up with that?

I bought a cup of this pumpkin spice chai in TeaLuxe. Oh yes, it's like a dream come true in a mug.

This button for my knitting bag which is super cute, no?

I also bought a new pashmina-esque wrap from H&M (thanks for the gift card, Sis-in-law!) and the cutest pint glasses you ever did see at Urban Outfitters. We use pint glasses for everything and collect them. We had yet to get Boston glasses, but I changed all that on Saturday. They say I <3 Boston except instead of a heart there is a picture of a bean. Adorable, I tell you. Want to see? Add yourself to the roster for HGS2K8 and come on over!


  1. I'm so excited to come visit! I can't wait!!! Its seriously on my mind EVERY day! I even have my sub plans all figured out for my *sick* day!

    Love you!

  2. I want to try the tea and the cleaning products! Do they work good?

  3. I love Tea Luxe, it's a great shop. I had to stay home with the puppy this weekend, so I missed out on the PG food thingy. Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  4. Fear not! You can count on us, your poor newlywed counterparts, to sustain HGS2k8 well into HGS2k9 or perhaps even into HGS2kTHEBIGTEN, depending on when we find the money to get up that way.

    In other news, John just got really stoked about how your initials match those on the locket in Harry Potter #6!

  5. Hi - for the pay it forward please just send over your address and I can send you a fun, happy!




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