Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Things that make me ridiculously happy...

1. Eating cold Chinese food for lunch. Gross? Yes. Delicious? You betcha.

2. Nathan and I's "sick" sweatshirt. I bought it my freshmen year at the big post-Christmas bookstore sale at UNC Asheville for less than $10. It's super plain and is oh-so-comfy. Somehow it became our go-to garment for getting sick. We know the other person is truly sick when they ask for the sweatshirt. Well, Nathan asked for the sweatshirt yesterday and thankfully I remembered where I had unpacked it. He stayed in bed with the sweatshirt all day yesterday. It doesn't make me happy he's sick, but he is pretty cute when he doesn't feel good.

3. Making biscuits yesterday in memory of my grandmother who passed away one year ago today. They turned out to be drop biscuits instead of rolled out, but I think she would have been proud.

4. Knitting all weekend long.

5. Not having any internet for days and being totally un-connected from the outside world.

6. Nathan hanging up shelves for me while wearing the sick sweatshirt. Such a trooper.

7. Smoked salmon on bagels. Thank you, delicious Jewish bakery a few blocks from the apartment.

8. Pumpkin spice tea.

9. Cleaning, nay, scrubbing, our entire apartment from top to bottom.

10. Chocolate chip cookies made with French chocolate with little bits of dried orange rind.


  1. I am sure your grandmother would be so proud of you for making homeade biscuits! :)

    Where do you get pumpkin spice tea? It sounds delicious!

  2. Those cookies sound wonderful! I agree - that tea sounds very good.

  3. I am proud of you too! Love you!

  4. I do miss a good bagel! Lucky.
    I'll have to check for that pumpkin spice tea, sounds like a good substitute for a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks.



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