Thursday, March 12, 2009

Any of you watch 30Rock? I'm about to say something that may shock some (especially people who know me sort of well): I love 30Rock more than The Office.

There. I said it. I think it's funnier. I love Jack and Liz and Kenneth and Tracy. I love Werewolf Bar Mitzvah. I love that Jack dated Condoleeza Rice. (Side note--I also love that part in The Departed when Alec Baldwin's character yells about how much he loves the Patriot Act). I love the Liz is creepy and funny and awkward. I love the Rip Torn is the CEO of NBC. Love it, love it, love it.

One of my favorite episodes of this season was Retreat to Move Forward. It reminded me so much of all of the leadership retreats I've been on in my life--silly acronyms, weird "team building" games, etc. Y'all--I planned those retreats for my sorority and for the orientation leaders. They are intense.

Last night I realized that I need a Retreat to Move Forward. Pretty much every area of my home life has slowly been slipping away into disrepair since Christmas. Busy schedules, planning for the move, the doldrums of winter--they have all taken their toll on us, logistically, as a family.

So we sat down last night and played with some numbers, gained some confidence in ourselves and resolved to make a fresh start of it in New York. Menu planning, daily cleaning, whole foods eating--they are all coming back full-force. The new kitchen will help facilitate lots of this. We have much more storage and space in the new place. We'll finally have cabinets, drawers, a full-size oven and fridge. I'm so excited. Y'all, we will have a linen closet!

I love(d) our little apartment in Boston. It has served us well. We made it work. You do what you need to. But now the promise of a better apartment has me re-energized to tackle our home life. I'm thinking I might "put up" some food this summer. It's been a goal for a while and the bigger kitchen, as well as an in-town sister-in-law interested in these kind of things might just make it possible.

So, post-move, I'm setting aside a weekend (or at least 4-5 uninterrupted hours) to bring all my research together and write out my goals. No longer will my 5 year plan live in my head. I'm setting it all out on paper: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly tasks. Goals for this year, the next, the next. It will be my retreat to move forward and I can't wait to document my journey!


  1. You are a "plan your work, work your plan" kind of girl. There's nothing quite like moving to help you jump start a plan too. We can't wait to see your new home in NYC. Love you!

  2. Oh this excites me! I love new plans! I miss having a plan! (Says the teacher who should "really" have a plan everyday...) I think this is an excellent idea! I think your will clear your head and have a great new energy for the move/transition to NYC!

    Absolute BFF

  3. and then you had kids--- haha! don't plan every moment--- leave a little room for surprise! I can't wait to see your new kitchen. Stephanie

  4. How is it that you and Clare both love 30 Rock, and we just hate it? We hate it. We don't even dislike it; we have very, very negative feelings towards it. We've given it a shot about three times now, but we always get irritated and abandon it about 10 minutes in. We just stare it. Isn't that bizarre? Because all of the really brilliant people in our life love it, and we just really don't. Hm.

    Anyway, hooray for super-plans! I have one of my own mapped out for these next few weeks of medicinal unemployment...

    In other news, I HAVE A NEPHEW! We need to talk soon. Let's do that.

    love, the Princess

  5. Did you know that one of the actors from 30 rock is from Wyckoff, along with the Jonas Bros?! Mer Mo told me that the other day. Gotta Love him! I can't wait to have you so close...i get to get back to knitting again. talk to you soon!!

    -yankee bff



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