Saturday, March 21, 2009

On the 4th day of packing

I went shopping with my friend who's trekking through India this summer.

Great, we're back on track with the lyrical posts. Try singing that one. It works.

I bought a pair of 50% wool gloves and that's it. She bought a backpack and first aid kits and all other kinds of travel/trekking goodies for her amazing adventure this summer. I'm so bummed that I won't be able to zip over to India for a week to travel with her.

We ate at Wagamama and then played with perfume and body scrubs at Sephora and then, like good little old ladies, went home at 9 pm on a Friday. Go us.

Also, does everyone else love the Fresh products as much as I do? I want to buy them all and wallpaper my house with their packaging. Love it.

(**Yes, I know today is really the 5th day of packing, but I forgot to post yesterday. Wait, is today the 6th day of packing? Oh good word, I'm so confused. Here's today's update so far: I bought boxes, experienced TERRIBLE customer service at UHaul, have decided I hate my tape gun and have so far packed up the bookshelves. I am a terrible packer. This is going to be a long, hard road.)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Fresh! The milk soaps, the sugar soap and fragrance, just yummy!
    I use their mascara too!
    You'll still have a Fresh in NYC, there's one in the UES on Madison and another down in the Village.



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