Thursday, March 5, 2009

Here's how things are going right now:

1. My in-laws are here. They came in Tuesday night and are here until Sunday. Good thing I like them. And no, I'm not lying. I do like them.

2. But still, 4 people + Miss Marple in a tiny apartment is hard at times.

3. I have seriously lacking some clean foundational pieces of clothing. Problem is, I don't want to ruin everyone else's plans (see number 1) by being a party pooper who stays home to do laundry.

4. I am so over a number of things in my life right now. And I know that if I were not moving soon and dealing with all entails, then things wouldn't bother me so much. But, as it stands, I am moving and all that entails and they are bothering me so much at the moment.

5. I need a plan. I am a planner when it comes to major, icky things I hate to do--ie, move. I'm not so much a planner when it comes to travel or weekends or things like that, but big things require a plan. REQUIRE. I am waiting on key pieces to fall into place so that I can make a plan.

6. Have I mentioned the house guests? Have I mentioned how more arrive next week? Have I mentioned how I haven't STARTED PACKING and haven't HIRED MOVERS because we're not sure what day we're moving.

I'm done, y'all. Overwhelmed and done.


  1. breath in and breath will survive!

    so can relate to the have to have a plan. or else i will not make just myself go insane but everyone around me.

    Patience can be killer! I have faith in you!

  2. Good thoughts going your way -- it'll all work out somehow!

  3. chin up, breathe, breathe, breathe, and lots of calming tea!

    best of luck!



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