Saturday, March 28, 2009

Moving day!!!!!!!

Obvi, I've been away for a few days packing, packing, packing away. We've enjoyed many great meals with friends, but after 3 straight days of pub fare, I am really craving salads and veggies. Thank goodness we're staying with Yankee BFF and her family tonight and she is preparing a yummy eggplant dish. We're also going to hit the New Jersey Target tonight and hopefully buy one of those fancy, million dollar Simple Human stainless steel trashcans. We're excited.

Last night around 1 am when we ran out of bubble wrap, Nathan and I just started laughing at what being grown-up and married is like. Not that I don't love almost every minute of it, but it is really funny to find yourself sweaty, packing and discussing trash cans and heartburn with the love of your life. When we were first dating we always looked good and we had a lot of fun. Lately, I feel like all we've been doing is a lot of work. I'm excited to get back to having a lot of fun.

Of course, see above, having a lot of fun now involves eating vegetables and going to Target to buy trash cans. Haha. Oh well.

It should only take 4-5 hours to get to New Jersey and we'll move in to our new apartment tomorrow morning. I'm so terribly excited. I can't wait to put up pictures!

We both have to be in our new offices on Monday. I was sent a questionaire from my new company for the "fun and unique new employee welcome celebration" that asked what my favorite karaoke song was. Oh boy. If I have to perform on the first day...

I'm so excited to start with this new company. I think it's so great that I'm going to work for a company that most of you have probably heard of and a lot of you probably utilize their services. I've heard it mentioned a number of times in Blogworld.

So, I'm waiting on Nathan and my brother to bring back the truck and another thing of bubble wrap. The movers should be here in a hour and then we'll hit the road!

Catch you on the flipside!***

***Our internet won't be set up at home until next Saturday, so I may be off the radar for a bit!


  1. May the weather Gods be with you!!!!
    Good Luck and have fun!
    Can't wait for stories and pictures!!!

  2. very exciting!!
    Can't wait to see pics of the new kitchen!

  3. that is funny about growing up. i love being married and 25 but the headache of real life is sometimes ridiculous



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