Monday, March 23, 2009

On the 7th day of packing...

This is not a lie, I accepted a job in New York City!

Oh yes, y'all. It's true. I am now employed in the Big Apple. Oh, I'm so excited. I interviewed for this position weeks ago and was set to have my second interview on Monday. However, they called me today and asked if I would just like to start the job on Monday. I accepted and I'm so excited!

I know I don't talk about work on here, but I will say that this position is poised to offer me many things I don't have at my current company: a dynamic position, responsibility, room for growth and promotion. I'm really, really excited.

So, I really am poised to have one of the craziest weeks ever. Move in on Sunday, start new job on Monday.

Also, could I please give a shout out to my friend, Lilac? She is incredible, y'all. I highly recommend that everyone find someone that they relate to really well who is 10 years ahead of the them in the job process to bounce ideas off of, freak out with and look up to. She's seriously one of the things I'm going to miss about Boston.

The others? My friend Alicia. Y'all--check out her blog. She is amazing. She is traveling to India this summer and TREKKING. Seriously--how awesome is that? She is going to do the thing that most people only talk about. I'm so proud of her.

Obviously, I'm going to miss our family here. Also, my friend Rachael who has no blog because she one of the busiest people I know, UBurger (still incredible), my very short walk to the T (it's a bit farther to our subway stop in NYC), a very accessible Trader Joe's and that gorgeous view of Boston from the Charles I get to take in every morning.

Still, New York is very, very exciting. I have an apartment! I have a job! I have friends! Already! (Side note: one of my friends who I've known since we were 10 who lives in NYC just commented that this will be the third time she has assisted in some way with a move of mine. Seriously. Could we just stay put?) Broadway shows! Tribeca film festival! Kosher Indian food restaurants that deliver! (I love the niches of NYC eating) I have a chalkboard! And a huge kitchen! And an elevator in my building!

So, yes, today is a great day. Also, I haven't packed any boxes. I'm waiting for Nathan to come home so that we can celebrate properly and then we'll pack something. My sis-in-law told me I only had to pack two boxes tonight. She also said my apartment was the size of four dorm rooms. Very true. That helps me feel better about packing it all in two days.


  1. Congratulations on the job and good luck with the move. Are you going to change the name of your blog now?

  2. It's all falling into place! Congrats on the job!

  3. oh wow, my first shout out! thanks, dude!

    yeah, you should be bigapplebffs now :P

  4. size 9 ...

    sorry i didn't post that! i'll eta now!

  5. I'm so excited for you!! Congratulations on the job.
    Wow, move in on Sunday, work on Monday! That's so ambitious.
    Can't wait to hear more about the new job. Is it a long commute??



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