Friday, October 3, 2008

I won cookies! For realsies! Laura over at A Dozen Eggs had a giveaway and I won cookies. Here's the post to prove it.

She also asked for the pumpkin pie dip recipe and since she's giving me cookies, how could I refuse?

The recipe is originally from Cooking Light (although, truly, what is light about pumpkin pie dip?).

I'll tell you how I made it and what the recipe actually said.

8 oz of reduced fat cream cheese (the recipe called for 6, but I think it's silly to buy cream cheese and have a fourth of a container left over when you have no bagels in the house!)
3/4 cup pumpkin (the recipe called for a half cup but I thought I should add a bit more to balance out the cream cheese addition)
1/2 cup brown sugar (I actually did not stray from the recipe with the sugar)
2 tsp. honey (the recipe called for maple syrup, but again, I have trouble buying ingredients that I will never need again)
1 tsp. cinnamon (recipe called for 1/2 tsp, but again--I deviate)
1/2 cup crushed walnuts (this was never mentioned in the original but it was oh-so-good)

Whir everything but the nuts together in the food processor and then top with walnuts. Serve with local apple slices so you can convince yourself that you are doing something remotely healthy. So.Good.

Also, before I forget, I won a Pay It Forward the other day. I received my gift yesterday (two super cute notepads) so that means it is my turn to pay it forward. The first three people to leave a comment will get a little surprise from me!


  1. I'm am DEFINITELY making that dip this weekend. If it goes well, I may take it with me to the family thanksgiving!

    You are the best! And I can't WAIT till my Bostontacious weekend!

  2. I am going to try that dip this weekend:-)

  3. I think I will make the dip for my Sunday group's snacks, along with pumpkin cookies. I have some recipes using pumpkin sweetened with stevia to copy and mail to you. Love you!

  4. congrats on the cookies! i'm a teeny bit jealous :)

  5. Thanks so much for the recipe and the edits you made to it. I get Cooking Light, don't know why I didn't see it!! On my way to the store and just added the ingredients to my grocery list.

  6. I was just thinking, maybe this pumpkin dip would be good with some naked sugar cookies....
    we call un-iced cookies "naked" BTW.

  7. So I've noticed that you run with a pretty swanky blog circle. I'm always wildly impressed by the links you post; case in point, the absurdly talented lady who sent you the Halloween cookies. Have you seen her barnyard cookies post from today? Holy cow indeed! I've decided that you should all collaborate and compile a Swank Blogs Gift Basket--cookies, knits, stationary, whatever else this crazy-skilled bunch can put together--for a cross-blog give-away, where we all have to hunt through the blogs for a commonality and whomever finds the winning word and posts it to all of the blogs involved wins. Would be SO much fun. I would NEVER win, what with my ludicrous work schedule and lack of computer access, but nonetheless, SO much fun.
    love, the Princess

  8. Yum! Thanks for the recipe! :)

  9. I served the pumpkin dip tonight for my Bible study group. I used apple and pear slices, graham cracker sticks, and pretzels. Everyone loved it. Naked sugar cookies would be an excellent dipper!



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