Friday, October 17, 2008

This weekend I will....

--catch up on my correspondence. No really--expect mail!

--go to Head of the Charles on Sunday.

--buy groceries for the rest of the month.

--eat fall foods. I'm thinking butternut squash and more pumpkin goodies.

--watch 10 episodes of Heroes with Nathan. We are super far behind!


What are your big plans?


  1. Other than going out for sushi tonight, we don't have any plans. I am excited to have a low key weekend!

  2. Stay the night with Sis and babies Friday. Convince Sis that she wants to help grade papers so I won't be buried in them all weekend. Clean on Saturday...and finally...R-E-L-A-X!!!!

  3. I'm working, but Saturday morning we'll go to the farmers market, have waffles with maple syrup at a diner, and make one last trip to Patty's Patch (seriously, that's the name of a farm stand).
    I highly recommend the twice baked butternut squash from Martha Stewart, there's a link on my blog.

  4. hmm, i think go to davis square and get hang with the crazies for an hour, you know the, usual... :P for real: going to NYC!

  5. I had to work today and tomorrow is Church!

  6. We went to a CORN MAZE today! Yeah... "Field of Dreams" meets "Signs" meets "Harry Potter #4" meets well-meaning but nonetheless annoying high school kids from Lexington (They were the maze monitors for anyone who got lost. Sadly, they felt that they needed to talk to all of us through their megaphones for the duration, since they could see us all from their posts).

    Other than that, we've spent the weekend taking 3+ walks a day because the weather is so nice at last, enjoying our hammock and backyard because the weather is so nice at last, and most of all, anticipating NEXT weekend, when we have big plans to celebrate my newfound joblessness with a trip to that very same little deck where we got married and to that same little Inn where we had our reception. (Hooray, vacation!)

    Also, we've been putting together a prize pack for a few Bostonians that we know this weekend...

    And finally, I've been printing colorful pictures of hot air balloons for my job interview/science lesson with 2-year-olds tomorrow morning. Have I told you about my thus-far-quite-promising interview process at the super-well-spoken-of pre-school at the United Methodist Church down the street? What is it about all of you fine Methodists that seems to draw in us mallards?

    Watch the mail this week or next--not quite sure yet.

    love, the Princess



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