Monday, October 6, 2008

This weekend we went apple picking AND I remembered to take pictures! We drove a few hours out toward the Berkshires and, let me tell you, it is so precious out there! The air was crisp, the leaves were all kinds of beautiful colors, every street was lined with cute little shops. Loved it.

It was a gorgeous day as you can tell from this picture:

Here's Baby Girl #1 showing off one of her "perfect apples." The search for the "perfect apple" was a big deal.
A shot down a row of the orchard. I love orchards.
Here's Baby Girl #2 striking a pose with her apples. You know what's great about apple picking? You can eat apples while you pick apples! Is anything better than that?

You can also eat apple cider doughnuts and drink apple cider--in theory that is. When I attempted these two things, I apparently took too long because Nathan ate both of our doughnuts and drank all of the apple cider while I was busy taking pictures. That's right--I got two bites of doughnut and ONE SIP of apple cider. I was bummed.
So.Cute. Seriously.
And here's Nathan and me. It was ridiculously bright and sunny, so sorry for the shadows and squinting.

And another shot of the orchard before we left...


  1. I love apple picking. I need to find a place around ATL that allows it.

    It is something I miss about the East Coast.

  2. You all look adorable! It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Love you!

  3. We're going apple picking this weekend with my cousins, so excited. Your post just gave me a preview. Although the weather here has been miserable for over a week, hopefully the weekend will be nice. Cross your fingers!



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