Friday, October 31, 2008

When Roommate BFF and I lived together, we both were sick at least twice. Once when she was sick and guzzling down orange juice, I pointed out that extra Vitamin C only helps before you get sick. She responded that she didn't drink the orange juice just for the Vitamin C. Turns out, she likes the burn of orange juice on a sore throat--apparently, "that's how you know it's working."

In her honor, I'm guzzling orange juice today. I'm in the beginning stages of a cold and I refuse to let that ruin my weekend with the Absolute BFF. I can already feel it working...


  1. Hope you getting to feeling better soon. :)

  2. Hope you feel better soon. I had the worst cold over labor day, hopefully that will be it until next year.
    I once was sick and at a giant plate of fruit: strawberries, pineapple, oranges, apples and I can't remember what else, but the next day I was feeling much better. I don't know why I don't do that all the time, but I swear it worked once.



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