Wednesday, June 25, 2008

6:00 am

Good gracious, 6:00 am is early! I am going to jog today on my lunch break, because I just can't force myself up earlier than this (I tried).

I promise I'll get those NC pictures up at some point--probably this weekend.

The new job is going great so far. I think I've pretty much mastered the phone system which is the hardest part, I would think. I have a very official electronic pass card to get into the office and a shiny new email. It's pretty exciting. I'm already working on a special project and that's super fun.

Hopefully Nathan will hear something soon. He called his potential employer yesterday and asked if they needed anything else from him (subtext: you said you'd let me know something last week and it's now this week!). Turns out, they couldn't get in touch with one of his references so he had to give them a new one. How long were they going to try?

Today I'm hoping to get more done on the commute. The T is very, very crowded in the afternoons when I'm coming home, but I'm hoping to get some knitting done this morning.


  1. I am glad you new job is going well! Enjoy your week!

  2. Hope to hear good news regarding Nathan's job prospecting.

  3. We thought about you a lot yesterday...glad to hear it's going well. Can't wait to talk to you about the new job. Love you!



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