Thursday, June 12, 2008

Friday Fill-ins

1. Traveling to a tropical locale is high up on my bucket list.
2. My favorite quote is Teach us to make the most of our time so that we may grow in wisdom; it's from Psalm 70.
3. Getting married and going to Bulgaria inspired me to start blogging.
4. Strawberries are best from Vaughan's Veggies.
5. I asked Kendra (dressed like a bunny rabbit) about her collapsed lung in the last dream I remember having.
6. The most enjoyable time to go for a walk is early morning on the beach or around 6ish in the neighborhood.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to finding out if I have a job, tomorrow my plans include cleaning the apartment and possibly going to Harvard Square and Sunday, I want to looking forward to a work week and packing for the wedding extravaganza of the Princess and the Environmental Cop that we're leaving for on Friday!


  1. Thanks for the shot out, Vaughan's Veggies will take any and all free press!

  2. YAY! YAY!

    love, the Princess, who was a princess today for the first and probably last time at a Make-a-Wish Foundation Party (sad, but pretty fantastic opportunity), and who, in other news, CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU AT HER OWN WEDDING IN LESS THAN A WEEK!



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